Computer Tutorial (Part 3) Computer Notes Basic Overview For Computer Students

 Computer Tutorial (Part 3) Computer Notes Detail Introductions to Computer (Level 2)

Simple Explanation Edu:- 

1. Define Computer.

Answer:- A computer is an electronic machine, that takes data and instruction given by the user, process it according to the given instructions, and provide meaningful result.

2. What are the four basic parts of the computer?

Answer:- Keyboard, Mouse, CPU and monitor are four basic parts of the computer.

3. What is the basic working principle of the computer?

Answer:- Input, process, output and storage is the basic working principle of the computer.

4. List any five characteristics (features) of the computer.

Answer:- Speed, Accuracy, reliability, versatility and storage are five features of the computer.

5. Write any four limitations of the computer.

Answer:- Four limitations of computer are as follows:

  • Cannot learn from past experience.
  • Computer cannot make its own decisions.
  • Depends on the user's input.
  • Skilled manpower is required to operate.
6. Define GIGO.
Answer:- GIGO stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out." when user input wrong data, computer may provide the wrong result, this is known as GIGO in computer terminology.

7. What are the application areas of the computer?
Answer:- Home, education, business, health, entertainment etc. are the application areas of the computer.

8. Define the role of computer in the banking system.
Answer:- The role of computer in the banking sector are as follows:
  • Keep the record of the customer.
  • Check balance.
  • Verify signature.
  • Deposit and withdraw money, etc.
9. Why computers are popular in education these days?
Answer:- Computers are popular in education these days because users can search for books, read books, can use educational software and CDs.

10. Define versatile?
Answer:- A computer is a versatile machine because it can perform many tasks at the same time.

11. Define accuracy?
Answer:- A computer is an accuracy machine because the output from the computer is error-free.

(Computer Hardware)

1. Define computer hardware.
Answer:- Physical parts of the computer is known as computer hardware like keyboard, mouse, monitor, CPU, etc.

2. What is an input device? List any four input device.
Answer:- Device which is used to provide data & information to the computer by the user is known as an input device, keyboard, mouse, light pen, and scanner are four input devices.

3. What is a processing device? Write the name of the processing device.
Answer:- The device which is used to process the input data according to the give instructions is called a processing device. Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a processing device.

4. What is a mouse? Write is the function of the mouse?
Answer:- Mouse is an input device used to point objects and give commands to the computer. The function of the mouse are as follows:
  • Move the mouse cursor.
  • Open or execute a program
  • Select
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Hover
  • Scroll
5. Name various keys found on a keyboard.
Answer:- Alphanumeric keys, control keys, function keys, navigation keys, numeric keys, multimedia keys are the various keys found on a keyboard.

6. Define output device. List any four output devices.
Answer:- The device which is used to display the result to the user is known as an output device. Monitor, Printer, Speaker, and projector are four output devices.

7. What are the storage devices? Write two examples.
Answer:- Device which is used to store data & information is known as a storage device. Hard disk and open drive are two examples of storage devices.

8. What is primary memory? What are its types?
Answer:- The memory attached to the motherboard is known as primary memory. There are two types of primary memory they are as follows:
  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • Read Only Memory (ROM)
9. What is a printer? Name some printers.
Answer:- A printer is a hardcopy output device that generates output by taking electronic data from computer memory. Dot matrix, inkjet, laser printer are some examples of printers.

10. What is the CPU? List its major parts.
Answer:- CPU stands for Central Processing Unit, is the main Processing device of a computer it is also called the brain of a computer where all the processing task takes place. The major parts of the CPU are as follows:
  • Control Unit (CU)
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
  • Registers
11. Write some advantages of laser printers.
Answer:- Some advantages of laser printers are as follows:
  • It has a very high speed.
  • It produces high-quality output.
  • This printer is quiet and does not make any sound.
  • This printer is also capable to produce color prints.
12. Write any two advantages of an LED monitor.
Answer:- Two advantages of the LED monitor are as follows:
  • It is less expensive and more reliable.
  • It consumes less power.
13. Why monitor is called softcopy and the printer called hard copy output hardware?
Answer:- Monitor is called softcopy output because we cannot touch what is displayed in the monitor but the output from the printer is on paper and we can touch it so it is called hardcopy output hardware.

14. What are the differences between RAM are as ROM?
Answer:- Differences between RAM & ROM are as follows:



It is a non-volatile memory.

It is a volatile memory.

It is comparatively expensive.

It is comparatively cheaper.

It is startup memory which stores the

Startup information.

It is working memory which stores data

Being currently processed.

It is a read-only memory.

It is read and write memory.

Short Notes:

a) Keyboard: It is an input device that is used to input text, characters, and other commands into the computer.

b) Control Unit: It coordinates to receive the data & instructions from the input device and store them in the main memory.

c) Printer: The output produced by printer by printing on paper is called hardcopy output.

d) Light pen: It is an input device that is mainly used to play games.

e) Drum printer: A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its surface.

f) Joystick: It is an input device that is mainly used to play games.

(Computer Software)

1. What is software? Why is it needed?
Answer:- A set of instructions and its documentation that tells a computer what to do or how to perform a task is known as software. Software is needed to operate different tasks on the computer.

2. What is system software? Write its types.
Answer:- Software that is used to control & coordinate with the hardware to provide a working environment for application software. Types of system software are as follows:
  • Operating system
  • Device drive
  • Language translator
  • Utility software
3. What is application software?
Answer:- Software that is designed to perform specific tasks for users is called application software.

4. Name any six popular application software.
Answer:- Six popular application software are as follows:
  • Word processing software: Ms. Word 
  • Spreadsheet software: Ms. Excel
  • Database software: Ms. Access
  • Graphics software: Ms. paint
  • Multimedia software: Ms. PowerPoint
  • Browser software: Chrome
5. What is packaged software? Write with examples.
Answer:- A ready-made advance, and standard software for general works are known as packaged software. Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint are some examples packaged software.

6. Define tailored software with some examples.
Answer:- Tailored software is small software developed in higher-level language for the specific small process, the software of banks, railways, hotels is some examples of tailored software.

7. Write down the types of application software.
Answer:- There are two types of application software they are as follows:
  • Packaged software
  • Tailored software
8. What is the language processor? Write three examples.
Answer:- A software that converts the program written in any programming language into machine language is known as language processor. Assembler, compiler and interpreter are three examples of language processors.

(Operating System)

1. What is an operating system? List any four operating systems.
Answer:- An operating system is system software that coordinates with hardware and software resources and creates a working environment on the computer. Microsoft Windows, Linux, UNIX & Mac OS are four examples of operating systems.

2. What is windows 7? Write its features.
Answer:- Windows 7 is a operating system. Features of windows 7 are as follows:
  • It has a news task bar with attractive start button.
  • It has a systematic desktop organization.
  • It has more speed to operate.
  • It is more compatible.
3. What is Microsoft Windows? when was the first version of windows released?
Answer:- Microsoft Windows is a Graphic User interface based operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. The first version of windows was released on November 20, 1985.

4. Write some features of the operating system.
Answer:- Some features of the operating system  are as follows:
  • protected and supervisor mode.
  • Program Execution.
  • Memory management Virtual Memory Multitasking.
5. Write down four functions of the operating system.
Answer:- Four functions of an operating system are as follows:
  • IC control all the hardware components.
  • Manages computer memory.
  • Provides a working environment to application software.
  • Provides an interface between user and computer.
6. Write down  the different versions of windows operating system.
Answer:- Windows Vista Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are some versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

7. What is file & directory?
Answer:- An object which is used to save data, information, sitting, or command is known as a file. Place (location) where files are kept is known as a directory.

8. Where notification area is located? Name few icons of notification area.
Answer:- Notification area is located at the far, right side of the task bar. Volume icon, network icon, USB input icon are few examples of notification area.

9. What is an icon?
Answer:- An icon is a small image button that represents command, program, file or folder.

10. Define icons with examples.
Answer:- Icon is a image that is displayed in windows desktop, Network icon, volume icon, computer, recycle bin are some examples of icon.

11. What Network icon does of notification area?
Answer:- Network icon displays the information about whether computer is connected to network or not.

12. Define task bar. Write the main section of task bar.
Answer:- The task bar is the long horizontal bar located at the bottom of the screen. The main section of task bar are as follows:

The start button: 
  • It helps to open the start menu.
The middle section: 
  • It shows you which programs and files you have open.
The notification area: 
  • It includes a clock and icons that communicate the status of certain programs and computer sittings.

13. What is the desktop? Name any six icons available on the desktop.
Answer:- When you turn on your computer, the first window you see is known as desktop. My Computer, My Document, Recycle bin, Network, User and Internet Explorer are six icons available on the desktop.

14. Name some different types of files?
Answer:- Data file, text file, program files, Direction files etc. are some different types on files.

15. What is meant by file extension? Write some extensions.
Answer:- The secondary name (last name) of a file is known as file extension which cannot be renamed. example: .jpeg, .mp3, .doc etc.

16. How do we shut down the computer? Write with steps.
Answer:- The process to shut down the computer is as follows:
  • Click on the start button.
  • Click on the Shutdown button.
17. Write the steps to create a folder on the desktop.
Answer:- The steps to create a folder on the desktop are as follows:
  • Right-click on mouse of the desktop.
  • Click on New.
  • Type folder name.
  • And press enter key on the keyboard or click anywhere else.
18. How you can move the window?
Answer:- We can move window by pointing to windows title bar with the mouse pointer than drag the window to the location that we want.

(Storage Device)

1. What is a storage hardware device? Name any six storage devices.
Answer:- Any computer hardware which is used to store data and information is known as a storage device. RAM, ROM, hard disk, Pen drive, memory card and CD are six examples of storage devices.

2. What are the types of storage media? Name them.
Answer:- There are two types of storage media they are as follows:
  • Primary storage
  • Secondary storage
3. Define primary memory with example.
Answer:- Primary memory is an internal memory of a computer that is attached to the motherboard. RAM and ROM are two examples of primary memory.

4. Why is RAM considered as a volatile memory?
Answer:- RAM is considered a volatile memory because it is a temporary memory.

5. What is ROM? Why it is called non-volatile memory?

Answer:- ROM is the primary memory of a computer which is used to store firmware, it is read-0nly. ROM is permanent memory so it is also called non-volatile memory.

6. What is the memory card?
Answer:- Memory card is a secondary memory that is mostly used to store photos, videos, music and other documents.

7. Write any three differences between the hard disk and floppy disk.
Answer:- Three differences between the hard disk & floppy disk are as follows:

Floppy disk

Hard disk

Storage capacity is low compare to the

Had disk.

Storage capacity is very high.

Can store data in MB (Megabytes) only.

Can store data in TB (Terabytes).

Outdated, not available in the market.

Easily available in the market.

(Typing Tutor)

1. What is a typing tutor?
Answer:- A typing tutor is a program that lets you type different languages.

2. Write any five safety measures before starting typing.
Answer:- Five safety measures before stating typing are as follows:
  • Sit with your back & neck straight.
  • Set the keyboard at a suitable height.
  • The view angle should be slightly down words.
  • Check proper light & ventilation.
  • Take a short break after using the computer for one hour.

3. Write the rules to make typing faster & easier.
Answer:- The rules to make typing faster & easier are as follows:
  • Use all your fingers.
  • Known which finger should press which key.
  • Don't see the keyboard while typing.
  • Practice more and more.
4. In which alphabets are left hand & right-hand fingers organized on the keyboard?
Answer:- The alphabets organized in left fingers are: Q, W, E, R, T, A, S, D, F, G, Z, X, C, V and B. In right figures are: U, I, O, P, H, J, K, L, N, and M.

5. What is the importance of the proper position of fingers while typing?
Answer:- The importance of the proper position of fingers while typing is it will make it easier to type fast for the user.

6. Where do you place fingers before starting typing?
Answer:-  Before starting typing we should place our fingers on home keys. Left-hand fingers on A, S, D, F AND rights-hand fingers on J, K, L and ;.

7. How do you start typing a master from the desktop?
Answer:- The steps to start typing master from the desktop are as follows:
  • Double click on the Typing master icon on the desktop.
  • Enter your name & press Enter button.
  • Click next until you see the typing screen.
  • It will give you words & start practicing.
8. How do you type combination keys?
Answer:- Before typing combination, I have to notice where the key is if the key is in the right I have to use the left combination key or voice versa.

9. What is Typeshala?
Answer:- Typeshala is a typing tutor software.

10. How do you start Typeshala? Write with steps.
Answer:- The steps to typeshala are as follows:
  • Double click on the Typeshala icon on the desktop.
  • click on the Home icon.
  • Click on rename to change the user name.
  • Click on OK.
  • Select the desired language and start typing. 

(Spreadsheet MS Excel)

1. What is a spreadsheet? Write two electronic spreadsheet software?
Answer:- A software that accepts data in a tabular from is called a spreadsheet. Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123 are two electronic spreadsheet software.

2. What is Microsoft excel?
Answer:- Microsoft Excel is the most commonly used spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft Corporation.

3. What are the features of excel?
Answer:- The features of excel are as follows:
  • It consists of row & column cells, where every cell has a different address.
  • It allows to link one file to another.
  • It has both mathematical & logical functions.
  • It allows to start and filter data as we want.
4. For what purpose can you use the file tab?
Answer:- File tab can be used to open, save, print and do other file related activities.

5. What are the different components of the excel window?
Answer:- The different components of the excel window are as follows:
  • Quick access toolbar
  • Title
  • Ribbon
  • Formula bar
  • View buttons
  • Sheet tab
  • Zoom controls
  • Status bar
  • Scroll bar
6. What is the use of a status bar? Where is it located on the screen?
Answer:- The status bar is used to display the sheet information as well as a various task performed on the sheet. It is located at the bottom of the screen.

7. What is the formula? How do you begin any formula in excel?
Answer:- A formula is an equation that performs a calculation. All formula in MS excels begins with equals sign (=)

8. What is the difference between worksheet and workbook?

Answer:- Worksheet is a single sheet inside a workbook. Workbook is a document file of excel which may have one or many worksheets.

9. What is a cell? How a cell is addressed in MS-excel?
Answer:- The intersection of a row and column from a small rectangular area which is known as a cell. Cell addressed are defined by the column letter and the row number in MS excel.

10. What are the column? How many columns are there in MS-excel?
Answer:- Columns are the vertical divisions of a worksheet that are identified by letters such as A, B, C and so on. There are 16384 columns in each worksheet in MS excel.

11. Define row. How many rows are there in MS-excel?
Answer:- Rows are the horizontal divisions of a worksheet that are identified by numbers such as 1,2,3, and so on. There are 1048576 rows in each worksheet in MS excel.

12. What are the various options available in paste special?
Answer:- The options available in paste special are as follows:
  • All
  • Formulas
  • Values
  • Formats
  • Comments
  • Validation
  • All using source theme
  • All except borders
  • Column Width
  • Formulas  and Number Formats
  • Values and Number Formats
  • Merge Conditional Formatting
  • Transpose
13. Write down the steps to unhide the worksheet.
Answer:-The steps to unhide to the worksheet are as follows:
  • Right-click on the sheet name in the sheet area.
  • Select the unhide option.
  • Select the sheet name.
  • Click ok button.

14. What are the different methods of selecting cells?
Answer:-  To select move the mouse pointer on the cell and click to select it, navigation keys on the keyboard can also be used to select cells.

15. What are the rules for entering the formula in a cell?
Answer:- The rules for entering a formula in a cell are as follows:
  • Select the cell in which you want to get a result.
  • Type the equal sign(=)
  • Type the formula.
  • Press the Enter key.
16. What is the formula bar? Why it is used?
Answer:- A formula bar is an input box used to work with data & formula in excel. The formula bar is used to enter and edit data and formula inactive cells.

17. What is an active cell?
Answer:- The currently selected cell in the worksheet is known as an active cell.

18. What is a cell pointer?
Answer:- The mouse pointer changes into plus (+) sign which is known as cell pointer.

19. What is the cell range?
Answer:- A group of selected cell is known as cell range.

(Presentation MS PowerPoint) 

1. What is a presentation package? Name any two presentation software.
Answer:- A presentation package is a software that is used to prepare a presentation on the computer. Microsoft PowerPoint and Power Dot are two presentation software.

2. What is Microsoft PowerPoint?
Answer:- Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the popular presentation software.

3. What are the features of PowerPoint?
Answer:- The features of PowerPoint are as follows:
  • It is easy to use.
  • It allows to design, edit, print, save any type of presentation.
  • It allows to import document, picture, etc.
  • It supports audio, animation, etc.
  • It provides basic slide templates.
4. What are the components of the PowerPoint window?
Answer:- The components of the PowerPoint window are as follows:
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Title bar
  • Ribbon
  • Slide bar
  • Slide area
  • Zoom controls
5. What is the difference between slide and presentation?
Answer:-A slide is a single page of presentation. Presentation is a collection of slides.

6. What are the steps to view a slideshow?
Answer:- The steps to view a slideshow are as follows:
  • Click on the slide show tab.
  • In start slide show group click on from Beginning.
  • To start from current slide click on from current slide.
7. Name various shapes available in the PowerPoint.
Answer:- Lines, rectangles, basic shapes, block arrows, equation shapes, Flowchart, stars and banners, callouts and action buttons shapes are available in the PowerPoint.

8. What is a slide and animation in PowerPoint?
Answer:- A slide is a single page of a presentation. The way of changing slide while viewing the presentation is known as animation.

9. What is a place holder? How can you change its size?
Answer:- A place holder is the dotted text box that appears in the slide. The steps to change the place holder size are as follows:
  • Click the place holder to select it.
  • Place the mouse pointer at one of the corners of the box.
  • Drag it to resize.
10. What is the purpose of inserting images in the presentation?
Answer:- The purpose of inserting images in the presentation is to make an eye-catching attractive presentation.

11. Write down the steps to insert a table on the slide.
Answer:- The steps to insert a table on the slide are as follows:
  • Click on the insert tab.
  • Click on the table in the tables group.
  • Hover mouse pointer to select numbers of rows and columns and click it.
12. Which menu can you use to insert the picture?
Answer:- Insert tab and then pictures on the illustrations group, menu i can use to insert the picture.

13. Write down the tips to create a better presentation.
Answer:- The tips to create a better presentation are as follows:
  • Do not explain more as a paragraph text.
  • Keep your slide text simple
  • Use images to make it attractive.
  • Use labels for charts and graphs.
  • Check the spelling and grammar errors. 

(Number System)

1. What is the number system? Who developed decimal digits?
Answer:- Number system is the basic element to represent the actual number or value and express the quantities. Hindu Philosopher developed the decimal number system.

2. What is the binary number system? Write its basic value.
Answer:- A method of representing numbers that use only two digits 0 and 1 is known as the binary number system. The base value is 2.

3. Write the digits and symbols used by the hexadecimal number system.
Answer:- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 digits & A, B, C, D, E and F alphabet are used in the hexadecimal number system.

4. Why octal number system has base eight?
Answer:- The octal number system has base eight because the system uses eight digits from 0 to 7.

(ICT & Computer Ethics)

1.What is ICT? Write down the uses of ICT. 
Answer:- A set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, create, store and manage information is known as information Communication Technology (ICT). The uses of ICT are as follows:
  • Send and receive the information. 
  • Distance learning and online education.
  • Online health services and medical advice.
  • Online business and shopping.
  • Online communication like a video conference.
2. Write down the application areas of ICT.
Answer:- The application areas of ICT are as follows:
  • Bank
  • Education
  • Health sector
  • Communication
  • Entertainment
3. What is computer ethics? List any five (commandments of) computer ethics that a user has to follow. 
Answer:- Computer ethics is a set of moral principles that regulate the use of ICT. Five computer ethics that a user has to follow are as follows:
  • Users should not use a computer to harm others. 
  • Users should not use the computer for illegal work. 
  • Users should not use the computer to steal data and information. 
  • Users should not use pirated software. 
  • Users should not other computers without permission. 
4. What is the role of ICT in the banking sector? 
Answer:- ICT plays a big role in the banking sector by providing online banking, mobile banking, ATM service, SMS banking services. 

5. Define telecommunication with example. 
Answer:- Telecommunication is the transmission of messages over a significant distance through the use of mediums example: landline phones, mobile phones, etc. 

6. What is the role of ICT in communication? 
Answer:- It enables us to communicate with persons in any part of the world. In this way, ICT helps to have access to any information. 

7. Define computer crime? 
Answer:- Any criminal activities create with the help of a computer are called computer crime. 

8. What is data processing? Why is it needed? 
Answer:- Data is a raw fact which is fed to the computer, they need to process correctly to produce information. To produce information data processing is needed. 

9. Write down the types of computer crime. 
Answer:- The different types of computer crime are as follows:
  • Spam
  • Fraud
  • Offensive contents
  • Harassment
  • Malware and virus
  • Hacking
10. What is the difference between data and information? 
Answer:- Data is a raw fact whereas information is a processed output using data. 

11. List any four features of information. 
Answer:- Four features of information are as follows:
  • Information is desired and meaningful. 
  • It is correct and accurate. 
  • It is able to transmit everywhere. 
  • It is stored for future purpose. 
  • It is easily accessible worldwide. 

(Computer Graphics MS Paint)

1. What is MS- paint? Name the different components of the MS paint window. 
Answer:- Microsoft paint is a simple graphic package (painting program) that allows to prepare various types of drawings. Quick access toolbar, File tab, view tab, ribbon, zoom controls are some components of MS paint. 

2. Name any six options available in the file tab. 
Answer:- New, open, save, print, properties and exit are six option available in the file tab. 

3. What is the use of tools and color group? 
Answer:- Tools are used to draw different shapes, erase, select, magnify, etc. Color group is used for coloring the drawing. 

4. What are the three different options available for drawing shapes?
Answer:- Line, curve, rectangle, polygon, ellipse, rounded rectangle are some options available for drawing shapes.

5. What is the use of undo and redo command?
Answer:- Undo command is used to cancel the current action. Redo command is used to cancel the undo command.

6. What is desktop background?
Answer:- Image seen in desktop is known as desktop background.

7. What is the use of properties?
Answer:- Properties used to check last saved date and time, size on disk, resolution Units, color, width and height sittings.

8. What are the options available in the Zoom group?
Answer:- Zoom in, Zoom out and 100% are the three options available in the zoom group.

9. What is the use of full-screen mode?
Answer:- Full-screen mode is used to see drawing in full screen.

10. What is computer graphics? List any five graphics software.
Answer:- Computer graphic is a visual representation of image data created by using special hardware and software. Five examples of graphics software are MS- Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Corel DRAW, Adobe Page maker, Microsoft Publisher.

(Computer Programming Language)

1. What is programming language?
Answer:- An artificial language which are used to develop a computer program is known as programming language.

2. Which language can a computer understand?
Answer:- Computer can only understand the binary language i.e. 1 and 0.

3. What is QBASIC programming?

Answer:- QBASIC is a high level programming language developed by Microsoft corporation in 1985.

4. What is a low level language? Write its types.
Answer:- Machine dependent languages are known as low level language. Program written for one computer cannot work in another computer. Machine level language and Assembly language are two types of low level language.

5. What is an assembly language?
Answer:- Assembly language is a low level language which uses letter, words and symbols to write computer program instructions.

6. What is a machine level languages?
Answer:- Machine level language is a low level language which uses binary code to write computer program instructions.

7. What is high level language? Write some examples.
Answer:- Program written by using instructions closer to English language and using some mathematical symbols are known as high level language. A program written in high level language for one computer can work in another computer. FORTRAN, BASIC, JAVA, Net, PHP are some examples of high level language.

8. Write any six features of QBASIC language.
Answer:- Six features of QBASIC language are as follows:
  • It is simple and easy to use.
  • It checks syntax automatically.
  • It allows to break lengthy programs into modules.
  • It interprets a statement of a program at a time to CPU.
  • It has dynamic program debugging feature.
  • It supported local and global variables.
9. List out elements of QBASIC programming.
Answer:- Elements of QBASIC programming are as follows:
  • Character set
  • Keywords
  • Variables
  • Constant
  • Operator
  • Statement
  • Expression
10. Define variable and constants with its types.
Answer:- Variable: It is a name storage located in the computer memory whose contents can be changed. String variable and numeric variable are two types of variable. Constant: The data or the value in a program that cannot be changed while executing the program is known as constants. String constant and numeric constant are two types of constants.

11. What is an operator? Name some QBASIC operators.
Answer:- A symbol which tells the computer to perform certain mathematical and logical calculation is known as operator. +,-, *, /, MOD, AND, OR, NOT are some examples of operator of QBASIC.

12. Define

Character Set:
A set of characters that are allowed to use in QBASIC is known as the character set.

Those words which have special meaning in QBASIC are known as keywords.

The combination of operators, constants and variable that is evaluated to get a result is known as expressions.

(Algorithm and Flowchart)

1. Why is planning needed to develop computer program?
Answer:- Planning is needed to develop computer program to write program instruction in correct order otherwise error may occur in the program.

2. What are the most commonly used programming tools?

Answer:- Algorithm and Flowchart are the most commonly used programming tools.

3. What is an algorithm? Write the properties of good algorithm.
Answer:- An algorithm is a stepwise presentation of procedures to perform  specific task in the computer. The properties of good algorithm are as follows:
  • Should have finite number of steps.
  • Should produce meaningful output.
  • Should not use programming language.
  • Instruction should be clear and understandable.
4. What is flowchart?
Answer:- Flowchart is a pictorial representation of an algorithm.

(QBASIC Programming AND Statement)

1. What is QBASIC Language? Who developed. 
Answer:- QBASIC stands for beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code, is a computer programming language. It was developed by John George Kennedy and Thomas Kurtz at Dartmouth College, USA in 1964 AD. 

2. What is QBASIC? Who developed it? 
Answers:- QBASIC is a high level programming language. It is the most popular programming language in the BASIC
family. QBASIC was developed by Microsoft corporation, USA in 1985.

3. Writer down the different components of QBASIC editor window. 
Answer:- Different components of QBASIC editor window are as follows: 
  • Title bar
  • Menu bar 
  • Status bar
  • Program area
  • Immediate mode area
4. What is the difference between the view window and the immediate window? 
Answer:- In the view you can enter, modify, and display program. The immediate window is used to execute statements as they are entered. The statement entered in these windows are not a part of the current program. 

5. What are the basic programming elements of QBASIC programming language? 
Answer:- The basic programming elements of QBASIC programming language are as follows:
  • Character set
  • Keywords
  • Variables
  • Constant
  • Operator
  • Statement
  • Expression
6. What types of data used in QBASIC? Explain with examples. 
Answer:- Numeric data and string data are used in QBASIC. 1, 57, 8848 are examples of numeric data and name, address, word are the example of string data. 

7. What is keyboard? List any six QBASIC Keyboard. 
Answer:- Those words which have special meaning in QBASIC are known as keywords. CLS, PRINT, INPUT, FN, NEXT, TIME are six QBASIC keywords. 

8. What is variable? Write it's types. 
Answer:- variable. Is more storage located in the computer memory whose contents can be changed. String variable and numeric variable are two types of variable. 

9. Give two examples of string and numeric variables. 
Answer:- Name$ and Address$ are two examples of string variables. Num1 and Num2 are two example of numeric variables. 

10. What are the rules for giving variable name? 
Answer:- The rules for giving variable name are as follows:
  • It can have maximum 40 characters. 
  • It can have alphabets, numbers and decimal point. 
  • It must begin with a letter. 
  • It cannot be ended with type declaration characters like $, %, &, ! and #.
11. What are operators? Write the types of operator used in QBASIC. 
Answer:- A symbol that tells the computer to perform certain mathematical and logical calculation is known as operator. The types of operator which are used k  QBASIC are as follows:
  • Mathematical operators/ Arithmetic operators
  • Relational operators
  • Logical operators
12. What is expression? Explain with example. 
Answer:- The combination of operators, constants, and variables that are evaluated to get a result is known as expression. For example: (A + B) - C. 

13. What is statement? List any five statements used in syntax. 
Answer:- A set of instructions written by using keywords or commands is known as statement. 

14. What is the function of REM statement? Write with syntax. 
Answer:- REM statement is used to put comments in the program. Syntax: REM "Remark". Example: REM this program is made by name. 

15. What is the function of INPUT statement? Write with syntax. 
Answer:- Input statement is used to take input data from the user during runtime of the program. Syntax INPUT " message "; " Variable ". Example: INPUT " Enter your name "; Name$.

16. Write down the syntax of PRINT statement. 
Answer:- PRINT statement syntax: PRINT " Constants / Variables / expressions ". Example: PRINT " MY name is ABC".




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