Computer All Shortcut Keys (MS Word)
Simple Explanation Edu:
Ctrl+A:- Select all Contents of the Page
Ctrl+B:- Bold Highlighted Selection
Ctrl+C:- Copy Selection Text
Ctrl+D:- Open the Font Preferences Window
Ctrl+E:- Aligns the Line or Selected Text to the Center of the Screen
Ctrl+F:- Open Find Box
Ctrl+I:- Italic Highlighted Selection
Ctrl+J:- Aligns the Selected Text or Line to Justify the Screen
Ctrl+K:- Insert a Hyperlink
Ctrl+L:- Aligns the Line or Selected Text to the Left of the Screen
Ctrl+M:- Indent the Paragraph
Ctrl+N:- Opens New, Blank Document Window
Ctrl+O:- Opens the Dialog Box or Page for Selecting a File to Open
Ctrl+P:- Opens the Print Window
Ctrl+R:-Aligns the Line or Selected Text to the Right of the Screen
Ctrl+S:- Save the Open Document. Just like Shift+F12
Ctrl+T:- Create a Hanging Indent
Ctrl+U:- Underline the Selected Text
Ctrl+V:- Paste
Ctrl+W:- Close the Currently Open Document
Ctrl+X:- Cut Selected Text
Ctrl+Y:- Redo the Last Action Performed
Ctrl+Z:- Undo the Last Action Performed
Ctrl+Shift+L:- Quickly Create a Bullet Point
Ctrl+Shift+F:- Change the Font
Ctrl+Shift+>:- Increase Selected Font + 1pts up to 12pt and then Increase Font +2pts
Ctrl+Shift+<:- Decrease Selected Font -1pts if 12pt or Lower; if Above 12, Decreases Font by +2pt
Ctrl+]:- Increase Selected Font +1pts
Ctrl+[:- Decrease Selected Font -1pts
Ctrl+/+C:- Insert a cent Sign ( )
Ctrl+'+<char>:- Insert a character with an accent (grave) mark, where <char> is the character you want. For example , If you wanted an accented e you wanted
use Ctrl+'+eas your shortcut key. To reverse the accent mark use the opposite accent mark, often on the tilde key
Ctrl+Shift+*:- View or Hide non Printing Characters
Ctrl+<Left Arrow>:- Moves One Word to the Left
Ctrl+<Right Arrow>:- Moves one Word to the Right
Ctrl+<Up Arrow>:- Moves to the Beginning of the Line or Paragraph
Ctrl+<Down Arrow>:- Moves to the End of the Paragraph
Ctrl+Del:- Deletes Word to Right of Cursor
Ctrl+Backspace:- Deletes Word to Left of Cursor
Ctrl+End:- Moves the Cursor to the End of the Document
Ctrl+Home:- Moves the Cursor to the Beginning of the Document
Ctrl+Spacebar:- Reset Highlighted Text to the Default Font
Ctrl+1:- Single-Space Lines
Ctrl+2:- Double-Space Lines
Ctrl+5:- 1.5-Line Spacing
Ctrl+Alt+1:- Changes Text to Heading 1
Ctrl+Alt+2:- Changes Text to Heading 2
Ctrl+Alt+3:- Changes Text to Heading 3
Alt+Ctrl+F3:- Opens New Document
Ctrl+ F1:- Open the Task Pane
Ctrl+F2:- Display the Print Preview
Ctrl+Shift+>:- Increases the Selected Text Size by one Font Size
Ctrl+Shift+<:- Decreases the Selected Text Size by one Font Size
Ctrl+Shift+F6:- Switches to another open Microsoft Word Document
Ctrl+Shift+F12:- Prints the Document
F1:- Open Help
F4:- Repeat the Last Action Performed (Word 2000+)
F5:- Open the Find, Replace and Go to Window in Microsoft Word
F7:- Spell Check & Grammar Check Selected Text or Document
F12:- Save As
Shift+F3:- Change the Text in Microsoft Word from Upper case to Lower Case or a Capital Letter at the Beginning of every Word
Shift+F7:- Runs a Thesaurus Check on the Selected Word
Shift+F12:- Save the Open Document. Just like Ctrl+S
Shift+Enter:- Create a Soft Break instead of a New Paragraph
Shift+Insert:- Paste
Shift+Alt+D:- Insert the Current Date
Shift+Alt+T:- Insert the Current Time