Compute All Shortcut Keys (MS Access)

Computer All Shortcut Keys (MS Access)

Simple Explanation Edu:

Check Spelling 

Ctrl+C:- Copy the Selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl+V:- Paste the Contents of the Clipboard to where the Insertion Point is

Ctrl+X:- Cut the Selection and Copy it to the Clipboard

Ctrl+Z:- Undo Typing

Ctrl+Delete:- Delete all Characters to the Right of the Insertion Point

Ctrl+Semicolon(;):- Insert the Current Date

Ctrl+Colon(:):- Insert the Current Time

Ctrl+Alt+SpaceBar:- Insert the Default Value for the Field

ESC:- Undo Changes in Field Current Field. Press ESC a Second time to Undo Changes to the Current Record

Shift+F2:- Open the Zoom Box to Enter Large Amount of Data that can not be Properly Displayed in a Small Control

Finding and Replacing Text

Ctrl+F:- Open the Find Tab on the Find and Replace Dialog Box

Ctrl+H:- Open the Replace Tab on the Find and Replace Dialog Box

Shit+F4:- Find the Text Next Occurrence of the Value Entered in the Find & Replace Dialog Box when the Dialog Box is Closed

Selecting Text in a Filed

Shift+Right+Arrow:- Extends Selection One Character to the Right

Shift+Left+Arrow:- Extends Selection one Character to the Left

Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow:- Extends Selection One Word to the Right

Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow:-Extends Selection One Word to the Left

Moving the Insertion Point in a Field

Right Arrow:- Move One Character to the Right

Left Arrow:- Move One Character to the Left

Ctrl+Shift+Right:- Arrow:- Move One Word to the Right

Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow:- Move One Word to the Left

END:- Move to the End of the Field, in a Single-Line Field

HOME:- Move to the Beginning of the Field, in a Single-Line Field

Ctrl+End:- Move to the End of the Field, in a Multi-Line Field

Ctrl+Home:- Move to the Beginning of the Field, in a Multi-Line Field


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