Computer All Shortcut Keys (Firefox)

Computer All Shortcut Keys (Firefox)

Simple Explanation Edu:


Alt+?Backspace:- Back

Alt+?Shift+Backspace:- Forward

Alt+Home:- Home

Ctrl+O:- Open File

F5+Ctrl+R:- Reload

Ctrl+F5/Ctrl+Shift+R:- Reload (Override Cache)

Esc:- Stop

Current Page:

Page Down:- Go Down a Screen

Page Up+Shift+Spacebar:- Go Up a Screen

End:- Go to Bottom of Page

Home:- Go to Top of Page

F6:- Move to Next Frame

Shift+F6:- Move to Previous Frame

Ctrl+P:- Print

Ctrl+S:- Save Page As

Ctrl++(Plus):- Zoom In

Ctrl+-(Minus):- Zoom Out

Ctrl+0:- Zoom Reset


Ctrl+C:- Copy

Ctrl+X:- Cut

Del:- Delete

Ctrl+V:- Paste

Ctrl+Shift+V:- Paste (as Plain text)

Ctrl+Y:- Redo

Ctrl+A:- Select All

Ctrl+Z:- Undo


Ctrl+F:- Find

F3 or Ctrl+G:- Find Again

Shift+F3 or Ctrl+Shift+G:- Find Previous

'(Single Quote Mark):- Quick Find Within Link-Text Only

/(Forward Slash):- Quick Find

ESC:- Close the Find or Quick Find Bar/ When the Find or Quick Find Bar is Focused

Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E:- Focus Search Bar

Ctrl ?(Question Mark) or Ctrl ?(Question Mark):- Quickly Switch Between Search Engines/When Search Bar is Focused

Alt+?(Question Mark) or Alt?(Question Mark) or F4:- View Menu to Switch, Add or Manage Search Engines/When Search Bar is Focused

Windows & Tabs:

Ctrl+W:- Close Tab/Except for Pinned Tabs

Ctrl+Shift+W or Alt+F4:- Close Window

Ctrl+Shift+Q:- Exit

Ctrl+Shift+Page Up:- Move Tab in Focus Left

Ctrl+Shift+Page Down:- Move Tab in Focus Right

Ctrl+Home:- Move Tab in Focus to start

Ctrl+End:- Move Tab in Focus to End

Ctrl+M:- Mute or Umute Audio

Ctrl+T:- New Tab

Ctrl+N:- New Window

Ctrl+Shift+P:- New Private Window

Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down:- Next Tab

Alt+Enter:- Open Address in New Tab

Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Page Up:- Previous Tab

Ctrl+Shift+T:- Undo Close Tab

Ctrl+Shift+N:- Undo Close Window

Ctrl+1 to 8:- Select Tab 1 to 8

Ctrl+9:- Select Last Tab

Ctrl+Shift+X:- Moves the URL Left or Right (if cursor is in the address bar)


Ctrl+H:- History Sidebar

Ctrl+Shift+H:- Library Window (History)

Ctrl+Shift+Del:- Clear Recent History


Ctrl+Shift+D:- Bookmark All Tabs 

Ctrl+D:- Bookmark This Page

Ctrl+B or Ctrl+I:- Bookmarks Sidebar

Ctrl+Shift+B:- Library Window (Bookmarks) 


Ctrl+J:- Downloads

Ctrl+Shift+A:- Add-ons

F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I:- Toggle Developer Tools

Ctrl+Shift+K:- Web Console

Ctrl+Shift+C:- Inspector

Ctrl+Shift+S:- Debugger

Shift+F7:- Style Editor

Shift+F5:- Profiler

Ctrl+Shift+E:- Network

Shift+F2:- Developer Toolbar

Ctrl+Shift+M:- Responsive Design View

Shift+F4:- Scratchpad

Ctrl+U:- Page Source

Ctrl+Shift+J:- Browser Console

PDF Viewer:

N or J or ?:- Next Page

P or K or ?:- Previous Page

Ctrl++(Plus):- Zoom In

Ctrl+-(Minus):- Zoom Out

Ctrl+0:- Automatic Zoom

R:- Rotate the Document Clockwise

Shift+R:- Rotate Counterclockwise

Ctrl+Alt+P:- Switch to Presentation Mode

H:- Toggle Hand Tool

Ctrl+Alt+G:- Focus the Page Number Input Box


Ctrl+Enter:- Complete

Shift+Enter:- Complete .net Address

Ctrl+Shift+Enter:- Complete .org Address

Del:- Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry

F11:- Toggle Full Screen

Alt or F10:- Toggle Menu Bar Activation (Showing it Temporarily When Hidden)

F9:- Toggle Reader Mode

F7:- Caret Browsing

F6 or Alt+D or Ctrl+L:- Select Location Bar

Media Shortcuts:

Space Bar:- Toggle Play/Pause

?(Question Mark):- Decrease Volume

?(Question Mark):- Increase Volume

Ctrl+?(Question Mark):- Mute Audio

Ctrl+?(Question Mark):- Umute Audio

?(Question Mark):- Seek Back 15 Seconds

Ctrl+?(Question Mark):- Seek Back 10%

?(Question Mark):- Seek Forward 15 Seconds

Ctrl+?(Question Mark):- Seek Forward 10%

Home:- Seek to the Beginning

End:- Seek to the End


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